Join The Satisfied Movement

Do you find yourself drained of creativity, exhausted, and overwhelmed?

Take this quiz to see if the feminine is your natural polarity.

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Shift out of exhausting, harmful, and unhelpful patterns into a life and lifestyle that serves their unique feminine needs.

Do you find yourself exhausted by everyday life only to face more demands at home? Do you long for the freedom to relax, be seen, and let your wild femininity be cherished by those around you?

I get it, you want to live a life of empowerment and freedom while being cherished and supported, with deeply fulfilling, pleasure-driven relationships. It's not easy to achieve this without a roadmap. Women are expected to be:

  • Over-achievers. We have to work harder than the men around us to be successful (on their terms
  • Constantly ready for sex. No matter the demands placed on us, there's always a demand for MORE
  • Unemotional, logical thinkers. Our emotions are feared, and when they flare up we are labeled "crazy"
  • Consistently energetic. Even though our bodies are governed by the cycles of nature
  • Forever youthful and pretty. Women are not valued at any age, even though there is sexy vibrance at every age!

Most women are not even aware that their femininity has needs, desires, and cravings that differ wildly from their masculine counterparts.

Getting those needs met result in satisfaction for her and those around her. In fact, much of what makes the feminine powerful has been vilified, repressed, estranged, demonized, and purposely overlooked. What strong, opinionated woman hasn’t been called a “bitch” in the conference room? We all know women who are belittled for “not doing enough” for their family. And, as a woman, no doubt at some point in our lives, we have been labeled “crazy”.


I've been where you are: unsatisfied, unfulfilled, misrepresented, and misunderstood.

I followed the dream sold to me and burnt myself out trying to be successful and while being all things to all people...I was firmly living by masculine rules and ideals.

I never did anything for myself or paid attention to my own needs. I didn't even know what my own needs were.

I realized I didn't have the safety or security I needed. I wasn't in a place of trust and wasn't being femininity was suppressed.

When I dropped the mask of masculinity and embraced my authentic, powerful feminine, it became my personal mission to help women shift into their feminine essence and live a fully satisfied life...on their own terms.

Join The Satisfied Movement


Women find themselves stuck in a constant cycle of......  

  • Putting on the mask of masculinity to arm themselves for the world
  • Giving themselves away and exhausting themselves trying to please others
  • Second-guessing their intuition and suppressing their emotions
  • Denying their own needs and wishes and undermining their femininity
Listen To The Satisfied Podcast


It's time for a shift.

Learn to foster the foundation of your feminine satisfaction, through these Four Keys: Safety, Security, Trust, To be cherished.

Having these present in our lives gives us the ease and confidence to flourish in our femininity. We are relaxed and able to move pleasure through our bodies, embrace wild feminine creativity, and tap into our intuitive guidance to move forward on a path that is most authentically ours.

There IS a roadmap for becoming The Satisfied Woman.

  • Respond fully to her intuitive guidance to create a life she thrives in
  • Honor her emotions and recognize them for the valuable information they offer
  • Achieve success on her own terms, which may look different than society's demands • move pleasure through her body so she feels it ... and it transmits to those around her
  • Be cherished by her chosen partner in a way that honors her unique feminine needs

This is the life of The Satisfied Woman. Start living now!

Get The Satisfied Woman Book

Start Living Life On Your Own Terms...

To be fully satisfied, we must let our feminine energy prevail within us, as we seek external opportunities, relationships, and life choices that esteem our femininity.

The Satisfied Woman Book

To be fully satisfied, we must let our feminine energy prevail within us, as we seek external opportunities, relationships, and life choices that esteem our femininity.

Get Your Copy

Satisfied Woman Podcast

Inspiration on how to life the life of The Satisfied Woman

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Satisfied Sisterhood

In this membership you will connect on a soul level to other feminine soul-sisters who are on the path to bringing forth the feminine in joy, safety, sacrality, and satisfaction.

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I'm Alanna Kaivalya, Ph.D. I'm an author, educator, speaker, and pleasure-seeker. I have written 5 books, developed international training programs, and taught audiences around the world.

These are not my greatest achievements, though. After spending more than 20 years studying psychology, the human condition, the nature of the feminine and femininity, tantra and eastern spirituality, and earning a doctoral degree in Mythological Studies and Depth Psychology, I set my sights on empowering women through a better understanding of femininity.

I believe my greatest legacy is helping women redefine femininity in the modern age, and giving them clear pathways to become fully satisfied women. I do this through my writing, education, and speaking, but also through living The Way of the Satisfied Woman everyday with my choices, actions, and intuitive guidance.

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Become Part of the Satisfied Movement

Join the Satisfied Sisterhood today and immediately join a community of women creating a life of joy, pleasure, and satisfaction.

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