The Satisfied Woman App is a community of women seeking satisfaction in their lives by reclaiming their feminine power.


Join today and discover the benefits of communion and community. Get the resources you need to build connections with other women and find the inspiration and insights necessary to create a fully satisfied life in every area: career, relationship, wellbeing, and personal growth.

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Discover the path to becoming a satisfied woman and reclaim your feminine power.

Woman in the water with glowing light

Are you struggling to find pleasure, joy, and creativity through your body?

Are you:

  • Exhausting yourself by being all things for all people?
  • Wearing the mask of masculinity for the outside world while burning themselves out?
  • Living inauthentically by not being able to relax into your feminine side?

You're not alone. Many women struggle to release the exhaustion and inauthenticity and lean into their femininity...

Femininity in the modern world isn't easy. We are up against 2500 years of patriarchy and feminine repression. The way we were raised subverts our gifts and the messages we receive cause us to question our own feminine power.

The result for women is devastating: 

  • We burn ourselves out by giving ourselves away to others 
  • We strive endlessly for career goals on a path (with rules) set by men 
  • We contort ourselves into what we think men want 
  • We mistrust women because society historically fears when women collaborate 
  • We have lost the connection to our greatest gifts as feminine women because we have been trained to stay quiet, small, and question ourselves 
  • We suffer in unhappy relationships because we lose sight of our value 

We suppress our intuition and emotions for fear of being called illogical, or worse ... crazy What if there was another way? A path laid out for us by our own femininity?

Beautiful woman in red dress
The Satisfied Woman App is where women come together to thrive in their femininity and revel in their satisfaction. It is where we support each other in finding feminine ways to fulfill our needs and wishes all while finding joy and pleasure in life with the circumstances and people around us. Being a Satisfied woman is more than possible ... it's the only way forward for the fully realized feminine woman.
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Alanna Kaivalya, Ph.D. with her dog, Roxy


After a lifetime of accolades and achievements, and years of being single and one failed marriage, I realized that success didn't make me happy, doing things on my own left me isolated, and giving myself away to others left me utterly burnt out. Even though on the outside it looked like I was soaring to great heights in my career and excelling as an independent woman, I was completely alone and exhausted.

Eventually, I had enough of striving on patriarchal terms and kowtowing to the needs of a distorted masculinity. I realized my anxiety and discomfort centered around one thing:

The repression of the unrealized feminine energy within me.

When I was able to reconnect with my feminine and lean into its most powerful qualities, I uncovered a sense of joy, pleasure, ease, and satisfaction I had never known.

This is what led me to writing The Way of The Satisfied Woman, and creating the membership and courses that reveal the secrets long known by the feminine sisterhood ... the gifts passed down to us through the feminine psyche. Now, I help women like you forge a feminine path of satisfaction and discover the oasis of life energy within you.

Ladies who walk the way of the satisfied woman learn to fulfill their needs and desires and achieve satisfaction in their lives by reclaiming their feminine power and leaning into their strongest attributes as feminine women.

The feminine is a powerful force, and it has its own principles, values, strengths and desires. When we learn to walk The Way of the Satisfied Woman, we discover:

  • How to get our needs and desires met to achieve a state of satisfaction in our lives 
  • Ways to empower and revere our feminine gifts, particularly our intuition and emotions 
  • Opportunities to maximize the unique phases of a woman's life to get the most pleasure and joy 
  • The importance of always getting your wishes and needs met to achieve maximum satisfaction • Strategies to stop being all things for all people, and prevent overwhelm and burnout 
  • Reframing life goals in terms of satisfaction, not success, so you stay rooted in your feminine power
Friendly women embracing each other
The Satisfied Woman is unapolagetically feminine. She knows her value and values her intuition. She is not crazy but she is crazy in touch with her emotions and their guidance in her life. She understands what she needs and never compromises getting them met. She presents questions and inquiry that elevate her life and the lives of those around her. Her inquisition is powerful. Her intuition is meaningful. Her emotions are the connective tissue between her and those around her. She knows who she is and she seeks satisfaction, not success. Success is measured in numbers and hierarchy. Satisfaction is measured by joy and contentment. When the Satisfied Woman fulfills her greatest wishes, she creates an oasis of joy and life energy that allows her -- and those she loves -- to thrive.

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Become part of the movement and join a community of women, creating a life of joy, pleasure, and satisfaction.

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