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The Satisfied Woman

The Satisfied Woman

Hosted by: Alanna Kaivalya Ph.D.

The Satisfied Woman podcast, hosted by Alanna Kaivalya, Ph.D., is dedicated to helping women lean into their femininity and rediscover the power of their feminine gifts. We examine what it means to be a modern woman...

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Episode #12: Self-Care and Empowerment: Nurturing Ourselves to Better Support Others

Self-care is an important element of any feminine woman's life. Far more than just pedicures and candle-lit baths, self-care allows us to nourish ourselves and be conduits of nourishment and empowerment for other...
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Episode #11: Exploring the Dance of Masculine and Feminine Energies In Relationship

As a feminine woman, finding a masculine partner is key! No matter what type of relationship it is, the dynamics of the opposing masculine and feminine polarities hold the secret to success. This podcast explores the...
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Episode #10: Psychological Dynamics: Understanding the Masculine and Feminine Energies Within Us

The human psyche possesses both masculine and feminine energy. The way we express these energies determines our health, happiness, vitality, and wellbeing. This podcast outlines the two primary polarities and helps...
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Episode #9: Five Ways to Reclaim Your Feminine Power

In this world where women do everything and try to be everything to everyone, and experience burnout as a result, we need creative ways to reclaim our femininity and our feminine power. This podcast explores five...
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Episode #8: Empowered Women Empower Women–Together We Succeed

When women support each other, the whole community benefits! Women inevitably reinvest in their communities and support each other. Unfortunately, we have been turned against each other by the culture. It's time for...
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Episode #7: Exploring the Depths: Bringing Dark Feminine Energy to Light

People misunderstand the dark side of femininity as something's not! Everything about femininity is light and GOOD, unless it it drowns out the light, hinders our goals or relationships, or harms others. This...
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Episode #6: How to Embrace Feminine Energy — 5 Ways to Elevate Joy and Creativity in Your Life

At the heart of femininity is joy and creativity! As the satisfied woman, there are five key ways to move into more joy and creativity and embrace feminine energy. If you're interested in how to be more feminine and...
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Episode #5: Harnessing Feminine Energy for Inner Peace and Vitality

For the satisfied woman, inner peace and vitality are a result of leaning into our feminine energy and feminine traits, and moving away from the cultural narrative that values masculine vs feminine. When we learn to...
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Episode #4: What Is Feminine Energy? Lighting the Path to Empowerment

As women garner more agency and take back more control in our lives, how can we be sure we are in our personal power? Gain insight into how to be in your feminine energy and how to define feminine energy as a modern...
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Episode #3: A Brief Definition Of The Feminine Polarity

In this episode of The Satisfied Woman podcast, we discuss the essential qualities of feminine energy. Learn how femininity and feminine energy differs from gender. Each of us, regardless of gender and sexuality,...
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Episode #2: What Does It Mean To Be A Satisfied Woman?

Let’s first define satisfaction: Satisfaction is the pleasure derived from the fulfillment of one’s wishes or needs. Pleasure: the freedom to feel joy in one’s body & heart … we must feel safe and secure in order...
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Episode #1: Introducing The Satisfied Woman Podcast!

The Satisfied Woman podcast launches a new era in modern femininity and gives you the tools, insights, and resources to help you craft a life of joy and satisfaction! This inaugural podcast introduces you to your...
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