What Is Feminine Energy? Lighting the Path to Empowerment

Ladies, I get it. It’s tough out there. We are surrounded by a million expectations of both who and how we’re supposed to be as a woman in the world, but with no real concrete or compassionate instruction on how to be in feminine energy or how to increase feminine energy. Not to mention, the ideals put forth for feminineness are all too often decided by men!
If we are to create a world for ourselves that supports being in your feminine energy, then we need to understand the heart of what is feminine energy.
While there are many examples of feminine energy and its qualities, such as: creativity, abundance, joy, pleasure, communion, collaboration, receptivity, and the ability to nourish oneself and others; the two absolute most important examples of feminine energy are our intuition and emotions.
Maybe unsurprisingly, these are two of the things that women are most often vilified for. You know this if you’ve ever heard a woman called crazy or seen her dismissed because she is too emotional. In fact, up until the 1908’s the diagnosis of hysteria was only used for women, and initially coined because it was thought women’s wombs “wandered” and caused them to be unpredictable and emotional!
In the pursuit of empowerment for women, we need to understand more of how to get into your feminine energy by reclaiming our intuitive guidance and owning our insightful emotions.
These qualities are at the heart of how to be in your feminine energy … if we continue to second-guess our intuition or shrug off our valid emotional experiences, then it defeats the ability of how to find your purpose as a woman.
Within our intuition and our emotions lie our greatest strength: the ability to truly know what is best for us. Women’s well-being is dependent on honoring our emotions and listening to our intuitive guidance. That is how to step into feminine energy, and at the heart of how to be more feminine! If we needed a feminine energy definition, it is based on our internal communication with our intuition and our emotions.
There is nothing more feminine than than our intuition and our emotions.
When we take a look at the feminine side in psychology, we are guided to the deep unconscious, that place within our soul that just knows things…not with our intellect or through reason, but through our intuition and our emotions. That guidance from within is the best feminine energy definition, because every other way we might define feminine energy grows from these two foundational qualities!
Our greatest source of empowerment for women is to listen closely to our intuitive guidance and honor our emotions.
Think of these as communication systems from your soul, speaking back to you about your happiness and sense of fulfillment. They are quietly content when everything is balanced in your world, and start to assert themselves when there is a sense of imbalance or discomfort.
So, what’s feminine energy?
It is our ability to listen to our intuition and emotions, and act according to their direction.
When we ignore them, it is always to our detriment, and it compromises women's mental health and happiness. When we lean into our feminine side, meaning we increase our intuitive senses and honor our emotions by experiencing them fully, we are always guided in how to live a balanced life as a woman and experience satisfaction.
Fulfillment for women and achieving happiness as a woman goes hand in hand with how to be in feminine energy to our fullest capacity.
Never second guessing ourselves, and honoring the moments of discomfort so that we are guided to what brings us to finding joy as a woman! Joy is reclaimed when we know how to have feminine energy flourish within us and we give our feminine energy meaning and power when we honor what makes us most empowered as women: our intuition and our emotions.