Empowered Women Empower Women: Together We Succeed

Empowered Women

Do you know what happens in places where we find women supporting women? We find a universally beneficial boost of women’s empowerment that lifts up the lives of the people involved and those around them.

Do you know why?

Empowered women empower women.

Inherent to feminine energy are the qualities of mutuality and nourishment. Ingrained into feminine nature is the concept that everyone benefits when, well, everyone benefits! For feminine women, there is intrinsic joy in win/win situations where each individual is bolstered and supported.

This differs from the masculine qualities of competition and leadership, which have an inherent hierarchy. You can’t have a leader without followers! These masculine qualities are powerful and necessary when applied in ways that help advance a project or drive people to success. But, when we apply them all the time, we lose the empowering collaboration necessary to build community and allow everyone to feel as if they are both contributing and receiving.

However, the current culture we live in places heavy value on hierarchy and competition, and defaults to leaders rather than collaborators. As women, we are raised to believe that these values trump our own intrinsic female empowerment that drives us to enrich ourselves and the world around us through collaboration rather than competition.

We end up stifling the urge to work with women, and in fact, we are often encouraged to either compete with or fear other women! Think about the current status of women in the workplace, who earn 80 cents for every dollar a man does. In a scenario like that, opportunities to advance are cutthroat, and resources feel scarce.

Or, consider the bevy of books on how to “find a perfect partner” (because perfect partners are thought to be rare) in contrast to the dearth of empowering female books. Rather than center a woman’s needs and emphasize satisfaction and joy...

Many books center a man’s needs and how a woman can satisfy them.

Women receive a lot of messaging that isolates us from one another and makes us perceive other feminine females as people to fight against or to fear, rather than as people to connect with, collaborate with, learn from, and be supported by.

The dominant cultural narrative (and, really, everyone living in it) is hindered by this, especially because studies show that women are more likely to reinvest their resources back into their community, making everyone richer in all ways possible.

It’s time to become satisfied women ourselves, in our own way, on our own terms.

Female empowerment hinges on women working together in a collaborative way and realizing that other women are not a detriment but a resource. In fact, when we see women encouraging women, that elevated status trickles out to everyone in the community as empowered women turn their efforts and energy to uplifting the lives of those around them.

It’s time to drop the old narrative that we need to compete with each other and isolate ourselves, especially in light of today's social and political climate. Women have made great strides toward equality, but so far, it has largely been on a man’s terms. It’s time to change the game and center the values and qualities that are so dear and important to feminine women. 



Start Living Life On Your Own Terms...

To be fully satisfied, we must let our feminine energy prevail within us, as we seek external opportunities, relationships, and life choices that esteem our femininity.

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To be fully satisfied, we must let our feminine energy prevail within us, as we seek external opportunities, relationships, and life choices that esteem our femininity.

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